Samantha Namugema is head of the software developing department and programmer at ClinicMaster, an integrated new generation healthcare information management, and medical billing software. The award-winning app has been applauded for effectively reducing paper clutter in the healthcare system.

ClinicMaster CEO and founder Wilson Kutegeka describes her as the engine, heart, and soul of the company. Namugema reveals that growing up, she knew nothing much about software engineering or really the IT sector. She, however, took on a combination that had maths and physics.

“Now having that combination, you are expected to go for engineering, which of course has the electrical engineering which of course I applied for. When I saw something called software engineering, I decided to apply for it too although I had no idea what it was. When I joined, however, I realized it was more advanced than the other types of engineering I was conversant with. Although it was not the initial dream, I just made peace with it,” she said.

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